Violence nearing an end, NOT a major issue, said Kilo
المعارض الوطني ميشال كيلو: "حجم العنف في سوريا أصبح يمس الأمن القومي الإقليمي للعرب"
National Exhibition Michel Kilo: "the extent of violence in Syria affect national security has become the regional to the Arabs"
Friday - November 18 - 2011 - 16:58:05
Called the National Exhibition prominent Michel Kilo in Syria, the opposition parties to unite and engage in the settlement of historic Syria out of its crisis and provide a peaceful transition towards a democratic alternative.
He said, "kilo" in an interview with Radio "Monte Carlo": "I met finally, the Secretary-General of the Arab League and told him that the amount of violence in Syria is no longer a threat to the state and society in Syria, but now touches now the National Security Regional Forum, and open the doors of Syria on the possibilities a imagine if the gravity of the system succeeded in breaking the community or society to destroy the state. "
(Interestingly, a professor of Damascus University says the same thing. "Peaceful demonstrations have lost their meanings. Popular mobilisation is low. The current problem is killings and destruction by armed groups.")
محلل سياسي سوري: التظاهر السلمي في سورية فقد معناه
SNC and Kurds
Dr. 'Abdulbasit Sayda, member of the Executive Committee of the Syrian National Council (SNC):
»There is no agreement between the Syrian National Council and the Turkish government«
KURDWATCH, November 18, 2011—Dr. ʿAbdulbasit Sayda (b. 1956, doctorate in philosophy, married, four children) has been living in exile in Sweden since 1994. In 2003 his book »The Kurdish Question in Syria« was published. In a conversation with KURDWATCH ʿAbdulbasit Sayda spoke about the work of the Syrian National Council, an oppositional coalition that was founded in Istanbul on October 2, 2011.
(a long interview omitted)
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