
Nov 24 Economy

صحيفة رسمية تتهم "سادكوب" بالتلاعب بكميات المازوت الممنوحة للمحطات في حماه
Official newspaper accused "Sadcop" manipulating the amounts granted to the diesel stations in Hama
Thursday - November 24 - 2011 - 12:28:16

The newspaper "al-Baath" in a news item published in today's edition Thursday that the company "Sadcop" of diesel fuel manipulated the allocation granted to the stations in the province of Hama.

In the details the newspaper reported that the distribution of diesel fuel with very thorny, even the committees in charge of the delivery of material to the citizens in a just people began to complain of them, preferring only to the People's Committees or civil only, opportunities still exist to re-examine these committees, which began the observations recorded by the result of manipulation of the role and mechanism of distribution .

The newspaper pointed out that it is not plausible that the allocations station in the town of "Mork" million and 200 thousand liters per month, while there are dozens of gas stations does not exceed its allocation for the 40 thousand liters per month to indicate clearly that there are fixed and have a clear and feathered by the Department of Sadcop Hama, there are many cases similar to diesel station Mork, the allocation process of the stations appear to be subject to the principle of "choice Vqos" and many examples of the validity of that in the absence of the role of the control ration and lack of accountability of wrongdoers.

The "al-Baath" to be concerned Hama many gas stations by the manipulation of the reserve is located has at times and sell at the price plus another time, and the local authorities closed the station Abu pots in hand, red for a month for the commission of the owner violation concerning the disposition of inventory reserve of diesel fuel, and thus the number of stations that have closed since the beginning of this month and so far 3 stations. Last month, the 3 stations were closed due to the smuggling of other owners of diesel fuel and sell at a plus.

برنامج تقنين الكهرباء في ريف دمشق
The rationing of electricity in Damascus
Wednesday - November 23 - 2011 - 21:24:57

Issued a public company for electricity Damascus Countryside electricity rationing program in the province, from the date of 11.21 up to 11.27.2011.

The following are the names with the hours and dates of rationing, according to the "Economist."

The first phase: from 4-5 pm
الزبداني - بلودان -مضايا - نبع بردى - عين حور - سرغايا - الكسوة - اشرفية صحنايا - دف الشوك - القزاز - عقربا - داريا-صحنايا- الحجر الاسود - ببيلا- حجيرة -يلدا- سيدي مقداد - جزء من حرستا - جزء من دوما

Phase II: from 5 - 6 pm
الديماس - الصبورة - دير العشائر - قرى الاسد - قدسيا - ضاحية قدسيا - الهامة - جمرايا - الفيجة - جزء من جديدة الوادي - النبك - يبرود - ديرعطية - قارة - الناصرية - القطيفة- جيرود - رحيبة - التل - صيدنايا - حفير - رنكوس - حلبون - منين

Phase III: from 6 - 7 p.m.
حوش بلاس - صحنايا - سبينة - جزء من السيدة زينب - القدم - جزء من الكسوة - عرطوز - جديدة عرطوز - معضمية - جزء من الصبورة - قطنا - خان الشيح - سعسع - كناكر - بيت جن - بيت تيما - دروشا - معربا وجزء من التل

Phase IV: from 7 - 8 pm
السيدة زينب - الحسينية - الديابية - خربة الورد - خربة الشياب - صهيا - البويضة - شبعا - قرحتا - غزلانية - طريق المطار - نجها - جرمانا - جزءمن كفربطنا- جسرين- محمدية - غسولة - جزء من النشابية - دير العصافير - مليحة - جزءمن عين ترما - جزء من ببيلا

The fifth stage: from 8 - 9pm
دوما - حرستا - مسرابا - شيفونية - حمورية - عدرا - عدرا العمالية - مخيم الوافدين - الضمير - النشابية - ضاحية الاسد بحرستا - جزء من التل - سليمة - عربين - زملكا - كفربطنا - عين ترما - سقبا - حزة- بيت سوى

And in cases of increased demand for electric power rationing program will be implemented during the morning, and in the stability of the electrical system of the network can reduce the period of rationing or canceled within the specified period.

استجابة لما نشره عكس السير.. إصلاح الشبكة وإعادة التيار الكهربائي لمخيم "العائدين" الفلسطيني بحمص
In response to the publication Aks al-Ser .. Reform of the network and restore power to the camp, "al-'aa'ideen" Palestinian Homs
Thursday - November 24 - 2011 - 14:04:48

In response to the published Aks al-Ser under the title Camp "al-'aa'ideen" Palestinian Homs appeal to Syrian authorities to reconnect the electricity to the camp, aware of Aks al-Ser today by the Chairman of the Department of refugees in the camp and the Information Office in the province that has been fixed network and restore power and change the wiring damaged due to overloading.

The people of the camp, "al-'aa'ideen" appealed to through Aks al-Ser the Syrian authorities to reconnect the electricity supply in the camp.

And the current is cut off from the camp had a 15-day, before you plug the concerned authorities.

ضخ 6 ملايين ليتر إضافية من مادة المازوت في حلب خلال الأيام القادمة
Pumping 6 million additional liters of diesel fuel in Aleppo in the coming days
November 24, 2011
Aleppo, (SANA) -

Aleppo province announced it would inject about 6 million additional liters of diesel fuel in the province over the next few days as part of Insurance of the material for the citizens.

Muhammad Wahid 'Akkad, a member of the Executive Office of the competent domestic trade sector in the provincial council, also explained that the Syrian Company for the storage and distribution of petroleum products (fuel) increased the allocation for the province of Aleppo during the current month by 20 percent from the allocations to the same month last year, so that the distribution of these quantities through the Commission for fuel conservation .

The Akkad to the allocation of bus station to Aleppo Damascus to supply diesel on this axis and the allocation of another station on the road to thin to provide the truck with diesel cars, which operate in the transfer of goods.

وحدة تعبئة الغاز بإدلب ترفع إنتاجها اليومي إلى 24 ألف أسطوانة
Unit gas filling Idlib raise daily production to 24 thousand cylinder
November 22, 2011
Idlib - SANA

Raised the packaging unit of gas in Idlib daily production of gas cylinders in order to meet the growing demand for the material and secured to the citizens.

Imad Shaikh,Assistant Branch Manager, disclsed that fuel was increased unit production on a daily basis from the cylinder 17 thousand to more than 24 000 cylinder and increase the program of work on multiple shifts in order to secure this Article.

He noted that Shaikh to become accredited're taking the needs of the article and distributed to the areas are just referring to the follow-up work stations to ensure the distribution of the citizens.

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