
Sep 21 Others

المعارضة البحرينية «تحاصر» المنامة اليوم
Bahraini opposition «surround» Manama today

مشروع بيان للمثقفين العرب التعجيل بإنهاء الحقبة السعودية
Draft Statement of Arab intellectuals hasten the end of the era of Saudi Arabia

Not only external factor represented by the Western colonial powers working, tirelessly, to impede democracy and real development in the Arab world, but local agents, who stands in the forefront of the ruling Saudi family. Did not play any Arab regime a more reactionary and an impediment to freedom and social progress and political independence and to facilitate foreign interventions in the Arab world more than it did the Saudi regime. . .

Saudi family insisted on to stand by the ruling families in these countries, and pay systems to kill people in the streets, and work to prevent the West from taking positions, based on human rights. And prove that it is the enemy of an active and firm for the freedom of peoples and the Arab castle of reaction and backwardness of the guard of civilization in the region.

The reconstruction of the Arab position to face external threats need to continue the revolution until you reach the Al Saud family. . .

the regime of the Saudi ruling family that is unable to repair itself. . .

(signed by 30 personalities)

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