
Sep 22 International

واشنطن تمنعه من حضور اجتماعات صندوق النقد والبنك الدوليين...ميالة لـ«الوطن»: هذه الاجتماعات منبر دولي وليس أميركياً
Washington prevented him from attending meetings of the IMF and the World Bank's al-Mayyaalah ... «alwatan.sy»: an international platform of these meetings and not an American

Al «alwatan.sy» the U.S. Embassy in Damascus refused to grant Governor of the Central Bank of Syria visa to attend the meetings of the IMF and World Bank annual Group of «24».

In response to a question «alwatan.sy» the Governor said Adib al-Mayyaalah: this rejection, and a means of pressure on Syria to prevent the representation in important meetings of this kind, pointing out that all the governors of central banks in the world attend these meetings and will present them, and added: This is an international platform, not American, which is dedicated to talk about developments in international monetary and financial, as well as the difficulties and problems that arise from today's international financial crises.

Such as Syria and al-Mayyaalah in such meetings during the past year 2010 and earlier, too, described this action as contributing to the continued pressure on Syria and prevent them from attending international forums is very important.

And al-Mayyaalah it has notified both the IMF and the World Bank and the Group of 24 will not be able to attend the meetings this year because not to grant a visa to the United States of America.

al-Mayyaalah: We hope to move these meetings completely outside the United States, because they hold two consecutive years in the United States followed by years abroad and then return to it again, and to preserve the independence of the institutions of international order is not the United States can exert pressure on countries whereupon the granting of visas to mood.

Mikdad Participates in Meeting of Foreign Ministers of Arab and South American Countries (on the sidelines of the 66th session of UN General Assembly)
Sep 22, 2011

مجموعة "توتال" الفرنسية لاستخراج النفط توقف عملها في سورية

أكد المدير التنفيذي لمجموعة "توتال" الفرنسية كريستوف دومارجوري، وقف كل نشاط في سورية في آب الماضي، بناء على قرار اللجنة التنفيذية للمجموعة قبل العقوبات، كما تم اتخاذ قرار يقضي بعدم وجود أي سبب لشراء النفط السوري.

وأوضح "دومارجوري" في حديثه لصحيفة الحياة أن الحظر يمسّ الشعب أولاً وفي حال إيقاف إنتاج الغاز فهذا لن يقلص عائدات الدولة بل سيوقف إنتاج الكهرباء في المناطق.

Group "Total" for the French stopped its oil operations in Syria in August, but not gas.
Thursday - September 22 - 2011 - 8:29:56

The Executive Director of the "Total" French Christophe Dumarjor, stopped activity in Syria last August, based on a decision of the Executive Committee of the group before the sanctions, as it has been decided that there was no reason to buy Syrian oil.

He explained, "Dumarjor" in his interview with Al Hayat newspaper that the ban affects the people first and if gas production shut down, it will not reduce state revenues, but will stop the production of electricity in the regions. (that's why it didn't stopped its gas operations.)

the group did not achieve significant profits in Syria, where the activity is not large. . .

سيناتور روسي: سورية تقف أمام خيار جدي يتعلق بكيفية التحرك نحو الديموقراطية
Russian senator: Syria's standing in front of a serious option on how to move toward democracy

Russian Federation Council: Situation in Syria Stable, People Living Normal Life, Western and Arab Media and Channels Purposefully Distorted Events
Sep 22, 2011

French Embassy confirms solid ties with Maronite Church
September 22, 2011 02:08 AM (Last updated: September 22, 2011 10:15 AM)

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