
Nov 15 International

مجلس الأمن يدين الاعتداء على السفارات في سوريا
Security Council condemns attack on embassies in Syria
Tuesday - November 15 - 2011 - 11:49:45

UN Security Council condemned, the attack on the diplomatic embassies and consulates located in Syria, where the damage, violation of the inviolability of diplomatic missions, in addition to a breach of the Vienna Convention of 1961, which require host countries to protect diplomatic missions.

And include such conviction under silent procedure in the Security Council, which passed into the actual implementation of what has not contested any of the Member States to a conviction, within twenty-four hours to reach a verdict.

This indictment comes after the crowd armed with sticks and knives, attacked the embassy in Saudi Arabia and Qatar in the Syrian capital Damascus, French and Turkish consulates in the city of Latakia on Saturday, after it suspended the membership of the League of Arab Syria.

The Saudi Foreign Ministry said in a statement that a group of demonstrators, "the illegal assembly in front of the Embassy of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in Damascus and stoned, then Oakbwa that stormed the building, did not the Syrian forces procedures to ensure to prevent them, where they manipulating the contents of the embassy and stay for a period that the security forces intervened Syrian and drove them out. "

The statement, carried by the Saudi Press Agency that "it deplores the Government of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia strongly this incident, it carries the Syrian authorities responsible for security and protection of interests of all its employees in Saudi Arabia and Syria under international conventions and treaties."

Saudi Arabia withdrew its ambassador from Damascus in August.

Residents said that similar attacks have occurred in Latakia on the Mediterranean coast, where mobs targeted French and Turkish consulates.

A spokesman for the French Foreign Ministry, that France has only an honorary consulate in Latakia and that he was not aware of their vulnerability to attack.

He quoted the French ambassador in Syria, he said, he had no aware of any attacks on French diplomatic interests or other interests in Syria.

The attacks came hours after the suspension of the membership of the League of Arab Syria, for its failure to implement a promise to halt the armed suppression of pro-democracy demonstrations that began eight months ago and opened a dialogue with opponents. The senior diplomat in Damascus and the occurrence of such attacks.

For his part, the Gulf Cooperation Council condemn strongly "attacks" experienced by Saudi Arabia and Qatar embassies in Damascus, by a group of Syrian demonstrators.

The Secretary-General of the Cooperation Council for the Gulf Arab Abdul Latif Al Zayani in a statement: "This attack is a violation of diplomatic norms of international diplomatic missions," and called on Syrian authorities to take necessary security measures to protect diplomatic missions and their personnel, and to hold the aggressors so as not to repeat such actions unacceptable, as required by international conventions and treaties. "

Also directed the Libyan embassy in Damascus a memorandum of protest to the Syrian Foreign Ministry after he was pelted with stones located by the Syrian protesters Sunday.

A number of Syrians attacked the embassy building located in the neighborhood of Abu Rumana famous center of the Syrian capital, Damascus, and they bent to break the glass facades of the building and destroy the surveillance cameras, installed on the walls of the embassy, ​​while enabling a group of protesters from entering the building and climb to the surface where lowered the flag of Libya.

سيناتور روسي: موسكو تتفق مع المعارضين السوريين على عدم عسكرة الازمة في سورية
Senator Russian: Moscow agrees with the Syrian opposition to the non-militarization of the crisis in Syria
15.11.2011 20:41

Enable the Russian side of the agreement with the Syrian opposition to the principle of preventing the militarization of the crisis in Syria. This came on 15 Nov. / November in the words of Elias Omakhanov Vice Chairman of the Russian Federation in the wake of his talks with the delegation of the Syrian National Council headed by Burhanuddin pipe.

He admitted that the modern Ahumakhanov did not witness the accordance of all situations. He said: "After all we can agree on some matters of principle," adding that "he had reached an understanding to the effect that any form of foreign military intervention is considered to be unacceptable. And we agreed that moving forward requires overcoming differences and tactical Seralbed about the other. According to the words of Deputy President of the Federation Council, "the participants in the meeting agreed to do everything in their power to stop the violence and preventing the escalation of the confrontation agent turns to the serious political tension militarization of the conflict, where it is impossible to talk about democratic change and there is the security factor on both sides."

Ahumakhanov He said: "We have agreed to transfer this signal to the Syrian authorities to make every effort to avoid further escalation of the situation and stop the fighting, the Syrian." He added: "But this reference also to the armed groups engaged in, including the work of supporters and those with a terrorist nature."

In this regard, the Russian senator said: "Unfortunately, there are armed formations of armed attacks."

He Ahumakhanov expressing Moscow's constant lies in the intention to bring the warring sides to sit down as soon as possible to the negotiating table and stop the bloodshed in the republic, said: "We would like to hope that the changes are long awaited by the Syrian people in the context of peaceful engagement and dialogue Syrian year."

The Vice Chairman of the Russian Federation, which has already visited Syria recently headed a delegation of members of the Russian Federation for the field on the situation in this country, pointed to the correspondence is full of the positions of the opponents of the regime of Bashar Assad in Syria and abroad. He said: "There are certain differences between the testimony of representatives of the Syrian opposition, and opinions are followed by the internal opposition. He said:" We met with these and those. What unites them is the concern over the fate of Syria and the fate of the Syrian people. "

He stressed that the dialogue Ahumakhanov Moscow with a broad spectrum of the Syrian political forces will continue. He recalled that the Russian leadership, parliament and public opinion Russians are following carefully what is happening in the Republic. The deputies visited the Supreme Council of the Russian parliament cities experiencing disturbances, and whether they met with representatives of the leadership of the country's policy Aorjal who follow different political opinions.

Omakhanov believes that such meetings "Tattabrdharoria very fact that they reflect the mood prevailing in the society." He said: "We have today agreed to continue consultations, whether by social organizations, for example, by the Russian Association for Solidarity and Cooperation between the peoples of Asia and Africa, which had invited the delegation to visit Russia or by the Parliament and diplomatic channels if necessary."

Source: "Itar - Tass," Russian news agency reported.

موسكو: أبلغنا المعارضين السوريين بموقفنا الداعي إلى الالتزام بموقف بناء للحيلولة دون التدخل الخارجي
Russian Foreign Ministry: Moscow Informed Syrian Opposition about its Stance in Rejection of any Foreign Interference
Nov 15, 2011

MOSCOW,(SANA)- Russian Foreign Ministry said that Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov received on Tuesday a delegation of the Syrian opposition abroad which is currently in Moscow upon an invitation by the Russian Society for Solidarity and Cooperation with Nations of Asia and Africa.

In a press statement, the Ministry added that the delegation was informed about Russia's stance which calls for adhering to a constructive stance to overcome the issues raised in Syria today, implementing reforms that would serve the interests of all the Syrians, and preventing the foreign interference in Syria's internal affairs.

In its statement, the Ministry indicated that the Russian side clearly called upon all the Syrian opposition groups, which reject violence as a means for achieving political goals, to immediately participate in the Arab League's initiative on settling the internal Syrian crisis through launching dialogue between the Syrian authorities and the opposition.

Bogdanov Stresses that Overcoming Crisis in Syria without any Foreign Interference

Russia's Deputy Foreign Minister Mikhail Bogdanov called for exerting more efforts to implement the Arab League initiative and achieve a political settlement in Syria through ending all forms of violence and starting an open dialogue between the Syrian government and the opposition.

Meeting Syria's Ambassador in Moscow on Tuesday, the two sides discussed the situation in Syria.

Bogdanov stressed Russia's stance which calls for overcoming the internal crisis by the Syrians themselves through dialogue and reforms without any foreign interference.

Umakhanov Calls for Starting Dialogue between Syrian Government and Opposition

Deputy chairman of the Federation Council of Russia Ilyas Umakhanov stressed the need for a peaceful internal dialogue in Syria.

Umakhanov's remarks came during the council's meeting with representatives of the Syrian opposition abroad.

He added that the talks dealt with the situation in Syria, peaceful cooperation and means of holding a wide internal dialgoue with the support of the Syrian society, ending violence and avoiding escalating the confrontation in the country.

Umakhanov reiterated the need for stoping the killing, indicating to the armed groups that commit illegal and terrorist acts.

He said that the situation in Syria should be solved peacefully without any foreign interference, adding that Russia is interested in initiating dialogue between the Syrian authority and the opposition.

Umakhanov highlighted the strong economic and military cooperation between Syria and Russia, indicating that the Russian leadership, the Russian public opinion and the Council's members are carefully monitoring what is happening in Syria.

Lavrov meets Syrian opposition in Moscow
Lada Korotun, Alexander Vatutin
Nov 15, 2011 21:53 Moscow Time

"The crisis in Syria must be settled without foreign interference", Russia's Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said during a meeting with a senior leader of the Syrian National Council, Burhan Ghalioun in Moscow on Tuesday.

Sergei Lavrov urged members of the SNC to immediately join the implementation of the Arab League`s initiative to settle the crisis through diplomatic talks between the government and the opposition. The talks in Moscow focused on finding the means to stop the bloodshed in Syria, and this is where President Assad`s critics expect Moscow to tak an active role as a mediator.

In the meantime, Moscow announced that supporting the opposition does not mean accepting the president`s resignation, which is demanded by the SNC. Even the Arab League does not submit such kind of demands. When asked by the VoR`s correspondent to comment on the issue, Mr. Ghalioun said that Assad must go as the only remaining obstacle in the way to democracy:

"He has not fulfilled any of the conditions set forward by the League. The initiative urged to halt the bloodshed in Syria. As we know, between 20 and 40 civilians are being killed in Syria every day. Obviously, this impedes the negotiation process. The initiative also demands the release of all political prisoners. Assad has not freed anyone. He must order a crackdown on his special forces since they have been terrorizing the local population. And finally, the Arab League`s initiative stresses that those officials who are found responsible for killing the demonstrators must be prosecuted," Burhan Ghalioun said.

Deputy speaker of the upper chamber of the Russian parliament, Ilyas Umakhanov, who was also present at the talks in Moscow, told the VoR that although the sides failed to agree on all the issues on the agenda, they still see eye to eye on many crucial things:

"Russia has repeatedly stated its position which is about diplomacy and dialogue. Moscow opposes any third country interference into a state`s domestic policies, not to mention the use of force. We believe that the Syrian nation should decide its future by way of peaceful democratic reforms."

On his part, Burhan Ghalioun said the Syrian opposition insists that the UN Security Council should ensure the security of protest campaigns:

"The Syrian nation is very sensitive to any interference from outside. We always say that we want to resolve our issues ourselves. We have asked our Russian friends to help us with it meaning that Russia, together with international organizations, the West, and the Arab League would create a balance of forces to guarantee a peaceful and calm way out of the crisis."

The protection of civilians does not imply military interference but involves sending observers from the UN, for example, UN blue helmets, to Syria, Ghalioun said. He added that if the opposition comes to power in Syria, Russia's interests in Syria will be fully observed:

"During these talks, we managed to remove serious tension between the Syrian opposition and Russia. Our Russian friends have come to better understanding of what is going on in Syria and that all the efforts should be aimed at meeting the Syrians' needs for freedom and democracy."

As for the conflict in Israel, here Syria's position is also unchangeable. Ghalioun said that the opposition would resume talks with Israel from the point at which they had been halted by the current regime. The return of the occupied territories, the Golan Heights, and the creation of a Palestinian state are the principal demands of the Syrian party. However, these issues will need to be discussed at future talks.

Syrian opposition fails to shift Russia stance on Assad
November 15, 2011 05:04 PM
By Benoit Finck
Agence France Presse

MOSCOW: The exiled Syrian opposition on Tuesday failed to convince Moscow to toughen its stance against the regime of defiant leader Bashar al-Assad, the leader of the Paris-based dissident delegation said.


The Arab winter
Igor Siletsky
Nov 15, 2011 13:40 Moscow Time

Russia's Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov has warned the Western nations against encouraging the opposition in Syria to stage a coup. Speaking at a press conference in Moscow on Monday, he urged them to hold themselves responsible for the unraveling situation in the country with a lot of conventional weapons being funneled to local extremists. Sergey Lavrov is meeting the Syrian opposition leaders in Moscow on Tuesday.

The antigovernment protests have been raging in Syrian cities from March. According to the UN estimates, about three and a half thousand people have been killed in these clashes, which prompted the West to impose sanctions on the government of Bashar Assad. The mood is changing though, as tens of thousands took to the streets the other day to show their support for the President. People in Syria got angry over the decision of the Arab League to suspend the membership of their country and burned several foreign embassies, driving Turkish diplomats out of the country. Syria, one of the League founders, was not happy about this step either and urged the League to call a special summit, but the Arab countries have not responded so far.

Several days ago the League proposed a road map plan to solve the Syrian crisis. One week later it blamed Mr. Assad for not complying with the proposed plan. Sergey Lavrov reminded at the press conference in Moscow that after the road map has been unveiled, France described it as a "dead" one, while the US advised the opposition not to respond to Assad's calls to ground arms in exchange for amnesty. The Western nations are encouraging Syrian radicals to stage a coup and reject any dialogue with the authorities.

This slapdash step, taken by the League is uncharacteristic of the East. In an interview with the Voice or Russia the expert in Oriental studies Boris Dolgov points out that it is a sign that the decision was forced by the Western coalition.

"Syria is seen in the West as a close ally of Iran, as a country which supports the Palestinian radical movements. So they want to change the rule of Bashar Assad with a power more loyal to the West. This explains constant pressure, including that of the Arab League that blindly follows the Western politics."

xThe expert from the Russian Institute for strategic studies Azhdar Kurtov says that Syria is bound to become the next victim of NATO.

"This very campaign that includes attempts to turn the Arab allies against Syria and accuse Bashar Assad of scaremongering is a sign that Syria will be the next victim of the experiment that the US is conducting in the Middle East. Russia and China as permanent members of the UN Security Council can at least prevent the Western nations from legitimizing their efforts to destabilize the situation in Syria and stage a coup. The Libyan scenario should not repeat in Syria."

Not all the US allies are comfortable with this ongoing Arab spring that is changing into the Arab winter. Israeli Foreign Minister Avigdor Liebrman stressed that his country is opposed to a possible upheaval in Syria. The West will have to build relations with new Middle East democracies that show anti-Israeli sentiments. And these disturbances only add fuel to the fire. The Israeli political scientist Alex Cogan explained this phenomenon in an interview with the Voice of Russia.

"We are not especially happy about the Syrian authorities, but at least this government is stable. This is our enemy, but it has brakes to stop. Those forces which may replace it will be unstoppable. Bearing in mind the fact that Syria possesses not only missiles, it is hard to predict repercussions. All this Arab spring was promoted by people who did not have a clue what was about to happen when those whom they supported would come to power."

"The European Union meanwhile has its own way and is toughening sanctions against Syria adding another 18 names to the black list. The list still features 19 Syrian organizations the accounts of which have been frozen by the EU."

Russia believes that no sanctions are able to resolve the problem. Instead of encouraging new protests and arming radicals, it is necessary to help the sides to launch a constructive dialogue. This is exactly what Sergey Lavrov will be pushing for at a meeting with the Syrian opposition leaders in Moscow on Tuesday. Syria supports the role of Russia and hopes to avoid the Libyan scenario.

Pro-Syrian reaction to the Arab League resolutions

مثقفون هنود يستنكرون قرار الجامعة تعليق عضوية سورية
Indian intellectuals condemn the decision to The Arab League suspended the membership of Syria (India)
November 15, 2011

رئيس تحرير(الأنباء) المصرية: مؤامرة ل ضرب عناصر القوة بالأمة.
Egyptian daily (al-'Anbaa') plot to striking elements of power to the nation (Egypt and India)
November 15, 2011
Cairo - New Delhi - SANA

Lebanese and Syrian Communities in Argentina Denounce AL Resolution against Syria (Angentina)
Nov 14, 2011

Syria stops oil payments to France's Total: company
November 15, 2011 05:32 PM
Agence France Presse

PARIS: Total said Tuesday the Syrian government has stopped paying for oil the French energy giant produces in the country, which is the target of a European Union ban on oil exports.

"We are no longer being paid," a Total spokesman said, confirming media reports. He said the company had since late September "slightly" reduced its production in Syria but was continuing to produce oil and gas there.

The spokesman would not say when the payments had stopped, nor how much money was involved.

Total and the Anglo-Dutch oil giant Shell are the largest foreign international oil producers in Syria, where the regime of President Bashar al-Assad has brutally cracked down on anti-government protests.

Last week, the Financial Times newspaper reported that both companies were no longer being paid the by the government in Damascus.

In September, the European Union banned crude oil imports from Syria, a tough measure against Damascus as the 27-nation bloc buys 95 percent of its oil exports, providing a third of the regime's hard currency earnings.

More than 70 people died on Monday in one of the bloodiest days of Syria's eight-month uprising, activists said, as Assad's loyalists reacted angrily to growing isolation.

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