
Sep 27 Central government

الاقتصاد تشدد إجراءاتها لضبط مادة المازوت
Economy emphasizes procedures to adjust the diesel fuel

The Minister of Economy Mohammad Nidal Shaar decision to close all gas stations informal and non-licensed, and the confiscation of their equipment and machinery, and tanks that control a refueling stop, with the organization of control Adli and not to return the tanks to work only after the issuance of a final judgment right.

The Shaar that the company will provide the fuel of the Ministry of Economy and the number of tankers to deliver fuel oil and the amount of tonnage and purpose of the day, allowing for tighter controls on the movement from the warehouses and access to fuel stations.

أسعار المواد المستوردة تلتهب وتجار حلب ضد قرار التعليق: «ما في جيوبنا يدعم الدولة»...الاقتصاد: مستعدون لتعديل قرار منع الاستيراد حسب الحاجة
Prices of imported materials become inflamed and Aleppo merchants against the decision of suspension: «What in our pockets supports state» ... Minister of Economy: ready to modify the decision to ban import as needed

سلوطة: تعليق التعليق وليس إلغاءه...تجار حلب ضد قرار تعليق الاستيراد
Sleuth: Comment comment, and not canceled ... Aleppo merchants against the decision to suspend the import

President al-Assad Issues Decrees Exempting Loans of Cooperative Agricultural Bank from Late Payment Penalties
Sep 27, 2011

مجلس الوزراء: منع استغلال تعليق الاستيراد المؤقت لبعض السلع وإعادة النظر ببعض بنود قرار التعليق بما يحقق المصلحة الوطنية
Cabinet to Take Steps to Monitor Market and Prices, Reconsider Some Articles of Import Suspension Decision
Sep 27, 2011

الشعار: قرار تعليق استيراد بعض المواد مؤقت ووقائي وخاضع للتعديل
Economy Minister: Suspending Some Materials from Syria's Market Temporarily, Precautionary
Sep 27, 2011

بقيمة تصل إلى نحو ملياري ليرة.. استلام الدفعة الأولى من قساطل جر المياه لمشروع إرواء محافظة الحسكة
worth up to about two billion pounds .. Receive the first batch of pipes drawing water for irrigation project Hasaka province
September 27 0.2011

وزير النقل: اتخاذ الاجراءات اللازمة لتسهيل العمليات المرتبطة ببضائع الترانزيت
Minister of Transport: take the necessary measures to facilitate the processes associated with transit goods (in Ports of Tartous and Latakia)
September 27 0.2011

الصناعة: 5 مليارات ليرة اعتمادات الخطة الاستثمارية 2012
Ministry of Industry: SL 5 billion credit investment plan 2012
September 27 0.2011

مرسوم بإعفاء قروض المصرف الزراعي التعاوني من فوائد وغرامات التأخير
Decree to exempt loans from the Agricultural Cooperative Bank benefits and Demurrage
Tuesday - September 27 - 2011 - 8:28:44

مرسوم بإعادة جدولة القروض والتسهيلات المستحقة وغير المسددة الممنوحة للصناعيين المتأخرين عن سداد التزاماتها تجاه المصارف العامة
Decree to reschedule the loans and accrued and unpaid granted to the industrial latecomers pay its obligations to the public banks
Tuesday - September 27 - 2011 - 10:41:57

المركزي : الفجوة بين طلب الدولار وعرضه يصل إلى أدنى مستوى في ستة أشهر في السوق السورية
Central Bank: the gap between demand for the dollar and display up to the lowest level in six months in the Syrian market (demand for the US dollar was half compared to yesterday. Syrian Pound was at 49.30 to the dollar.)
Tuesday - September 27 - 2011 - 10:25:36

A report by the Central Bank of Syria a decrease in the level of demand on the U.S. dollar in trading yesterday to two million U.S. dollars, compared with $ 4 million in trades last, while the record show him to drop to the level of $ 1.5 million compared to $ 3 million, to shrink the gap between them to level 1 million, the lowest level since last March.

According to the newspaper, "alwatan.sy", rose yesterday the exchange rate of U.S. dollar direct-to-49.30 Syrian pounds, according to the Central Bank of Syria, while traded prior to the price 48.82 Syrian pounds. . .

بثينة شعبان: الرئيس الأسد يعمل على تشكيل لجنة لتعديل أو إعادة كتابة الدستور
Shaaban: President Assad is working to set up a committee to amend or rewrite the Constitution
Tuesday - September 27 - 2011 - 13:16:19

She says the political and media in the Presidency Shaaban said the past six months have seen significant reforms in the country was not a dream of achieving in years.

Shaaban said the BBC television "BBC" on Monday night from Damascus, the main points of these reforms is to lift the emergency law and the issuance of a new election law and the parties.

The Chancellor said that Shaaban these protesters are armed and chatty to the violence, the problem is that the Western press does not want to believe it.

Shaaban said that among these protesters, armed gangs are killing people and abuse them, demonstrating that the killing of 800 men from the army and police, noting that these gangs do not constitute the vast majority of the protesters, and they do not oppose peaceful protests.

She said President Bashar al-Assad is currently employed to form a committee to amend or rewrite the Constitution, is scheduled to hold parliamentary elections in February next, saying that this is the hope of the Syrian people.

And Shaaban confirmed that the case is not in the survival of President al-Assad or his regime in power, but the issue is not to descend the country into sectarian war, and expressed its total rejection of any charges to the government or security forces of killing peaceful demonstrators, but it must to all categories of people to stand together to resist terrorism.

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