
Sep 27 International

المعلم: ستتحول سورية في غضون أشهر الى نموذج للتعددية السياسية وواحة للتعايش السلمي
Moallem: Syria will become a matter of months to a model of political pluralism and an oasis of peaceful coexistence (Syrian Foreign Minister's speech at the UN conference)
27.09.2011 08:24

المعلم يلتقي وزراء خارجية روسيا وإيران والبرازيل والعربي وبان كي مون: العقوبات الأميركية والأوروبية تؤثر سلباً على الشعب السوري
Moallem meets with foreign ministers from Russia, Iran, Brazil and al-Arabi (Sec-Gen. of the Arab League) and Ban Ki-moon (of the UN): U.S. sanctions and European adversely affect the Syrian people
المعلم يلتقي وزراء خارجية روسيا وإيران والبرازيل والعربي وبان كي مون: العقوبات الأميركية والأوروبية تؤثر سلباً على الشعب السوري
September 27, 2011

السفير السوري في واشنطن: ستكون سوريا قادرة على تجاوز آثار العقوبات الغربية
Syrian Ambassador in Washington: Syria will be able to overcome the effects of Western sanctions
Tuesday - September 27 - 2011 - 9:40:01

Syria's ambassador in Washington Imad Moustapha said. . . "Financial Times" on Tuesday that. . .

(Concerning) potential customers for its crude oil and oil field developers. . . "We did not approach the men, but who we approached it, but is not signed any contracts yet."

the (US) sanctions were symbolic because the United States have a minimum of participation in the energy sector in Syria, but the European Union, which buys more than 90% of its exports of crude oil. . .

"The United States has taken such action since the fifties of the last century, but the sanctions the European different story and will have a negative impact because it creates a challenge for us to find an alternative way to develop our economy, and we do not deny that it will be a challenge ".

"The sanctions will push Syria to the European-driven economic transformation towards the East, like Iran to look increasingly to China after the imposition of stiff penalties on oil and money to have."

Mustafa added, "We will redirect our economy towards Asia, Africa and South America, and we have a full range of options available."

China calls for restraint in Syria
English.news.cn 2011-09-27 02:01:30

By Bill Varner - Tue Sep 27 19:24:03 GMT 2011

The U.S. and its European allies have dropped their bid to impose United Nations sanctions on Syria in order to win the votes for a Security Council resolution that demands an end to attacks on anti-government protesters.

A draft resolution will be circulated today to the Security Council's 15 members, Indian and South African envoys said. The text doesn't include sanctions proposed last month, South Africa's Ambassador Baso Sangqu said, and has a "reasonably good chance" of being adopted, India's Ambassador Hardeep Singh Puri said.

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