
Oct 3 Pro-government

Grand Mufti at His Son's Funeral: Murderers Targeting the Homeland, But Syria Will Not Concede or Kneel Even if Only One Man Remains in It (Mufti Hassoun was from a family in Aleppo)
Oct 03, 2011

Grand Mufti Hassoun said that those who commit such acts aren't targeting individuals; rather they are targeting the homeland and want Syria to kneel before Zionists and America

those who claim to promote democracy are murdering thousands of Libya's people and bombing its cities.

Hassoun held the religious figures who issues fatwas haphazardly responsible for the murder of his son

Hassoun called upon the Syrian fathers and mothers to watch their sons' behavior at this sensitive stage and work to deter those who carry weapons among them and inform about them

The Grand Mufti also called on the personalities and parties from the opposition that have been heaping insults upon their country from abroad to come back home and get involved in building its future and put forth their views on freedoms and justice clearly and honestly.

The Mufti expressed astonishment how some Arab countries withdrew their ambassadors form Syria, while the foreign countries have not done such a thing, "at the time when we expected you [the Arabs] to act as brothers in bringing people together."

القيادة المركزية للجبهة الوطنية التقدمية تستنكر الأصوات التي تستقوي بالأجنبي وتطالب بالحماية الدولية
Central Command, the National Progressive Front condemns votes overcome its alien and demanding international protection
03 Oct 0.2011

Tartous Youths Stage Sit-in to Support Addounia TV
Oct 02, 2011

برلماني سوري يرحب بـ "المجلس الوطني" المعارض ويدعوه لتقديم مقترحات توافقية
Syrian Parliament welcomes the "National Council" opposition and calls for proposals compatibility
Monday - October 3 - 2011 - 15:38:37

Welcomed the Syrian parliament member Muhammad Habash on Monday, any gathering of the Syrian opposition and called for "National Council", which announced its formation in Istanbul yesterday to submit proposals for a compromise.

Habash told a press conference held (the leaders of the Third Way) in Damascus today, "We represent the third way and we are working to bridge the gap and building bridges between the government and opposition forces and secure meetings between them, but at the same time we will not deal on the basis of slogans in the street bearing provocative slogans".

البطريرك عيواص: سورية ستبقى صخرة صامدة تتحطم عليها كل المؤامرات.. الإعلام الخارجي مضلل وضال
Syrian Orthodox Patriarch Iwas (Syriac): Syria will remain steadfast rock shatter them all conspiracies .. Misleading information about current and stray
Oct 03, 2011

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