
Oct 2 Economy

العقوبات المفروضة على سورية تشكل 33% من حجم التبادل التجاري
Sanctions imposed on Syria is 33% of the volume of trade exchange

Minister of Industry said Adnan Slakhu that the sanctions imposed by America and the European Union on the Syrian economy will not be hindered its course, especially that this economy is strong and we have the ability to find alternative foreign markets, which are working on it during the current phase.

He pointed out that these sanctions have affected significantly in the movement of trade exchange between industrial companies and public and private transactions of these companies with other countries where it was stopped dealing with the Commercial Bank of Syria was banned trading currency, the dollar as the main currency in the deal were also ruled out many of the credit facilities that were pursued by foreign banks when the supply of any goods in Syria it is useful to note - as the minister - that the volume of trade exchange between Syria and the United States and European Union countries accounted for about 33% of the volume of trade exchange total and general notes that these sanctions are aimed at harming Syrian people and we are waiting for the the central bank to take many of the facilities for dealing with a basket of major currencies so that if the trend towards any country in East Asia and the other is the adoption of exporting country's currency.

صناعي سوري: قرار وقف المستوردات يرفع تنافسية الصناعة الوطنية ويخلق المزيد من فرص العم
Syrian industry: the decision to stop imports raise the competitiveness of national industry and create more job opportunities

October 02, 2011
Damascus, (SANA) -

Decision to ban the importation of goods and materials that increase its tariffs to 5 percent, leaving a positive echo in the business community, particularly the industrial him, considering that the most important decisions that do justice to the national industry, and are a part of its rights wasted on lines of trade liberalization and beginning of doors of the local market to the flow of commodity from all over the world, resulting in damage to structures, local productive sector and national industrial for the interest of goods imported supported in the countries of origin and duty-free because these countries are linked with Syria to bilateral free trade agreements or collective .

Encourage high quality of the national product and increase production capacity

The entrepreneur industrial Mahmoud Hamsho described decision-Hakim, saying it encourages raising the quality of the national product and increase production capacity, it would be for the consumer share of adequate benefit derived from the application of resolution in terms of price stability and to maintain consumer interest by providing a national commodity and high quality at an economical price.

And saw Hamsho, who heads the Board of Directors of the "mother of HG" World in a statement to release SANA economic to the local industry today on a date with the chance recovery of a new I lost business in recent years, the security of this resolution, a kind of protectionism legitimate started most of the world turn to as an option to face the repercussions of the financial crisis and economic crisis.

The resolution is an opportunity for industrialists exploited optimally and offset the enormous losses suffered by the national industry over many years, explaining that it has been decided to increase production capacity in the group, which includes factory "Trivuo" for the electronics industry, an increase of working hours to three shifts of 350 employees per pink what will provide more than a thousand jobs and production capacity to more than 500 thousand sets per year from all TV sizes and types and to cover the needs of the local market is full of televisions also being prepared for the manufacture of other appliances that do not manufacture in Syria.

Resolution came in the timing because it is to guard against the crisis of the country and emergency circumstances

Hamsho He said the decision came in the timing because it is to guard against the crisis of the country and emergency circumstances, pointing out that the new extensions that will be Trivuo in a factory for the manufacture of household electrical equipment that was previously imported will run 10 thousand workers.

Despite high raw material prices globally and the high exchange rate of foreign exchange, which leads to higher product cost, locally confirmed Hamsho that Sales will be the same rates as the old prices will not occur any increase by saying that the requirements of the national interest and ethical considerations prevent the company from raising prices of their products as not justification for that.

Hamsho and warned of smuggling activity in the recovery invalidate the positive effects of the decision because the smuggling miss a lot of opportunities and revenue to the treasury of the State .. I wish the Government to reconsider its products are not manufactured locally so that is allowed to be imported within certain limits to meet the needs of the market.

Founded Trivuo for the electronics industry in 2005 with a capital of 8.2 billion Syrian pounds and a production capacity of 350 thousand a year from the screens and televisions, Risevrat where there is the factory assembly lines components of the normal mechanism and precise lines and aggregate hand and collect the final product was also set up a specialist research and development, including engineers experience a very high in order to access the latest international technology.

أكثر من 63 ألف طن إنتاج سورية من الفستق الحلبي الموسم الحالي وتوقعات بإنتاج 76 ألف طن الموسم المقبل
more than 63 thousand tons of production Syrian pistachios this season and the expectations of the production of 76 thousand tons next season
October 02, 2011

إسمنت عدرا و باكيمسان التركية توقف عقد تطوير الخط الثالث
Adra Cement and the Turkish Bakimsan stop contract to develop the third line

October 02, 2011

خلاف حول قانون الاستثمار الجديد
Dispute over the new investment law

Fundamental differences revolve in the corridors of the committee formed to discuss the decree to be issued shortly investment, which includes benefits and incentives for new investment did not notice the Investment Promotion Decree No. 8 of 2007 and was director of the Investment Authority, Ahmed Diab.

The focus of these differences as a source in the Investment Authority's «alwatan.sy» that there are government agencies in the Commission refuses to integrate all sectors of the investment under the investment law standard, the Ministry of Tourism wants the law of private investment, and there are claims also that there is a special law for investment real estate and building upon the Decree of the next investment will not only be the timekeeper for some investment sectors such as industry, agriculture and transport.

This subtraction empties the investment law to be issued from the importance, effectiveness of the investment comes from behind the unification of the laws governing the investments to be all under one umbrella without disperse the laws of many, encouraging to embark on the kind of investment without the other, as there must be one and the same for the care of the investment multiplicity of these entities creates bureaucracy does not solve the problem of the old law. The source pointed out that the decree of Investment Law No. 8 of 2007 opened the way for the establishment of projects, distorted investment and exhausted a lot of resources, and why the projects randomly outside the framework of development and that drained agricultural land, indicating that this will not last in the new investment law which would not enjoy the privileges and exemptions only real serious projects that add value to the national economy only.

The source revealed that the most important the contents of the new investment law is that it will take into account the development trends in licensing projects with a commitment to the national framework for regional planning, and this comes only with the participation of stakeholders in the formulation of this law and to consult with each other to get out a decree invest a modern uniform.

In the meantime, being a discussion of the investment law, the local investors contend that the Investment Law No. 10 of 1991 was much better than the Decree No. 8.

And confirms the Vice President of Damascus Chamber of Industry and surroundings Essam Zmriv that the amendment should not be for the amendment, but to be creating many factors have the most important provision of the investment environment, which begins to receive the investor in the airport to the activation of the single window to change the legislation conflicting investment, stressing that the creation of military tribunals at the moment does not encourage investment, and the problems of customs do not encourage investment.

بعد أن وصل سعره لـ 200 ليرة .. الاقتصاد تحدد سعر صحن البيض بـ 170 ليرة كحد أقصى
After reaching its price to 200 pounds .. Economy determine the rate of egg dish with 170 pounds maximum
Sunday - October 2 - 2011 - 12:42:16

بعد أن وصلتهم " تسريبات " بتعليق الاستيراد .. تجار السيارات جمركوا 5000 سيارة و ربحوا مليار ليرة
After that the connection with "leaks" to suspend the import .. Car Dealers passed the customs 5,000 cars and won billion pounds
Sunday - October 2 - 2011 - 9:22:27

Revealed a local newspaper that it was leaked news of the issuance of the decision to suspend the import of which more than painted by customs for 5% of the number of car dealerships, prompting a small number of agents known as Muhammad Shahadeh fully to their employees in order to complete transactions of the largest number of import licenses for cars belonging to their agencies.

According to the newspaper and the "al-Thawrah", paid agents their commitments through domestic banks, was passed customes more than 5 thousand vehicles travel in different sizes and models.

According to the "Economist", the average increase on each car of the 5 thousand cars that have been passed about 250 thousand pounds, or that the diversion of the resolution led to the "profits" estimated at one billion and 250 million pounds.

يقلل من تعطيل الآبار وفترة الصيانة.. مهندس سوري يبتكر صماماً لحماية المضخات الغاطسة
Reduces the disruption of wells and the maintenance period .. Syrian engineer invents valve to protect submersible pumps
October 02, 2011

Syrian Honey Bee Raising Industry Improving
Oct 02, 2011

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