
Oct 13 Anti-government

معارضون سوريون : المجلس الوطني لن يستمر طويلا
Syrian opposition: National Council will not last long
Wednesday - October 12 - 2011 - 21:28:12 (Read original in Arabic, cache)

The Syrian opposition considered "the Syrian National Council, which was announced recently in Istanbul will not last long," and justified it as "one ghost dominates the Council, the Muslim Brotherhood in Syria, and refuses to expand its base," and thought "it's not serious at work, it doesn't have an action plan."

And the Saudi site "Elaf" carried a report about "Muhammad Mustafa al-Mousa" a member of the movement of dignity in Syria, as saying, "We do not really know who all members of the National Council are, and what the objectives of the Council or his plan and his strategy will work on it?".

"It is forbidden for the Council to collect the opposition, and expands its base," and added "we (want to?) return to the regime of Bashar al-Assad itself with this Council, whose name prevents us to do so."

He stressed, "that this Council such as previous councils will not last long, despite the hope of the people in it," and urged "the necessity to act in the interest of Syria, and not for specific names."

"I met with many of the spectra of the Syrian opposition, they are against the Council, did not agree with it, because it has been marginalized."

The dignity movement was founded by Syrian opposition in Cairo.

The stated position of dignity movement, according to the Secretary-General of the Movement, "Moatazz Shaqlab", regarding the Council, "they are with the Council until further notice."

"We are today faced with choices to establish the Council we need, or to delay the Syrian opposition make the revolution. We have no one represents us, and the oppositions abroad are asleep."

He pointed out that "in the history of revolutions abroad always supports the inside, but that in the Syrian Revolution this is contrary, and the inside is supporting the outside," said "our revolution supports the opposition, and supports the revolution abroad."

He emphasized that the "internal Syrians challenged the regime, and the young unarmed and demonstrator fighter who support the foreign opposition, not a work to protect civilians properly, and the street is no longer likely, the inside gave what he has, and must work to seek international protection for civilians, and it was time to move work rapidly to the opposition abroad. "

And Shaqlab expressed his regret on the state of the Syrian opposition and said, "We are obliged to support the Council's problems and flaws and narcissism some of his companions, but do not want to question one, but with due respect for all, some members of the brain is" thick ", as there is in the Council some of the people patriots who have thought high contribution to the success of the revolution duration shorter than what we see on the ground. "

For his part, Syrian dissident, who preferred anonymity, said that "there is a rule by a single stream over the National Council, ie the Muslim Brotherhood in Syria."

Regarding the visit of some members of the Syrian National Council in Cairo, he replied, "Thank God it were not true there is media coverage of their visit, and only revealed as hardcore in front of everyone, inside and outside Syria, and especially in light of conflicting statements."

He noted "that there were no meetings of the members of the National Council in Cairo, except for the meeting with the Wafd Party," stressing that "the Muslim Brotherhood is mobilizing the Council."

He thought "it must be members of the National Council on the" big "names to meet the stated Syrian dissidents and exchange and cross-fertilization of ideas and discussion on a broad level."

He said, "that the visit of members of the Syrian National Council in Cairo was the visit of recreation, and cannot be described as a working visit," he acknowledged that the main problem is that there is no alternative to this Council.

"We should make a substitute on an urgent basis, then at least we all talk seriously or without sacrificing anyone." The Syrian Conference for Change (Conference Antalya) regretted for participating in the National Council, and wished all the best for its members.

The National Council has been criticized, inter alia, the national coordinating body, which includes in its ranks leading opposition such as Lawyer Hassan Abdel Azim and writer Michel Kilo and Fayez Sarah and Aref Dalila, who have credibility in the Syrian street, in addition to the National Exhibition Haytham Manna, who revealed that the Council managed by the "Washington Club."

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