
Sep 15 International

Libya, Syria may become terrorist strongholds: Russian official

مصادر : موسكو اقترحت مؤتمراً موسعاً للحوار وافقت عليه المعارضة ورفضته القيادة السورية
الخميس - 15 أيلول - 2011 - 16:35:15

نقلت صحيفة الحياة اللندنية عن مصادر رسمية لبنانية قولها " أن المبعوث الخاص للرئيس الروسي رئيس لجنة الشؤون الدولية في مجلس الشيوخ ميخائيل مارغيلوف أبلغ مسؤولين لبنانيين كبار أن موسكو اقترحت على أطراف الأزمة في سورية استضافة مؤتمر موسع للحوار ، وافقت عليه المعارضة و رفضته القيادة السورية .

وأوضحت المصادر أن " مارغيلوف " الذي زار بيروت أول من أمس والتقى كبار المسؤولين اللبنانيين قال إن " الجانب الروسي اقترح عقد المؤتمر على أن يحضره جميع أطياف المعارضة السورية، بمن فيهم الإخوان المسلمون، في موسكو أو قبرص أو أي مكان آخر يتم الاتفاق عليه ".

و ذكرت المصادر أن مارغيلوف قال لمحدثيه إن " قادة المعارضة الذين زاروا موسكو واجتمع هو معهم، وافقوا على عقد هذا المؤتمر، لكن مستشارة الرئيس بشار الأسد الإعلامية والسياسية الدكتورة بثينة شعبان، رفضت الاقتراح وكررت القول إن الموضوع الأساسي هو أن سورية تتعرض الى مؤامرة صهيونية - أميركية وليس موضوع الحوار مع المعارضة ".

Sources: Moscow has proposed an expanded conference for dialogue and agreed to by the opposition and rejected by the Syrian leadership
Thursday - September 15 - 2011 - 16:35:15

Newspaper al-Hayat on Lebanese official sources as saying that "the Special Envoy of the President of the Russian President for International Affairs Committee in the Senate, Mikhail Margelov told top Lebanese officials that Moscow proposed to the parties to the crisis in Syria to host conference expanded dialogue, and agreed to by the opposition and rejected by the Syrian leadership.

The sources pointed out that the "upper house", who visited Beirut the day before yesterday and met with senior Lebanese officials said that "the Russian side proposed to hold a conference to be attended by all sections of the Syrian opposition, including the Muslim Brotherhood, in Moscow or Cyprus or any other venue agreed upon."

And sources said that Margelov told his interlocutors that "the opposition leaders who visited Moscow and met is with them, they agreed to hold this conference, but the advisor to President Bashar al-Assad's media and political Dr. Shaaban, rejected the proposal and reiterated that the underlying theme is that Syria is exposed to a Zionist conspiracy - American and not the subject of dialogue with the opposition. "

Russia for dialogue, not sanctions, in Syria
Sep 15, 2011 12:31 Moscow Time

What is happening in Syria is the unilateral use of force, Russia's Permanent Representative to the European Union Vladimir Chizhov told reporters in Brussels.

Arab world turmoil: time for shuttle policy
Ricardo Young
Sep 15, 2011 13:22 Moscow Time

Sergei Strokan, a Moscow-based correspondent for the Kommersant newspaper, talks about a special trip that Russian Presidential Envoy to Africa Mikhail Margelov to Egypt and Libya. There now appears to be a significant gap between the group of Western countries, including the US, on one side, and Russia, China, Brazil and South Africa, on the other, who deems to be at loggerheads over the issue of Syria and the general take on the developments in the Arab world. So, Mr. Strokan believes we are still to witness a lot of behind-the-scenes diplomatic maneuvering and that type of shuttle visits.

مسؤول روسي: سنعلق التعاون العسكري التقني مع دمشق في حال فرض عقوبات دولية عليها

قال دميترييف خلال مؤتمر صحفي في مدينة يكاتيرينبورغ ان"أية عقوبات دولية تفرض قيودا على التعاون العسكري التقني. وإذا فرضت عقوبات على سورية، فسيتم تعليق التعاون معها فورا".

روسيا ستواصل التعاون مع إيران في المجال العسكري التقني

Russian official: We will suspend military-technical cooperation with Damascus in the event of international sanctions

Dmitriyev said at a news conference in the city of Akatirinburg that "any international sanctions imposed restrictions on military-technical cooperation. And if imposed sanctions on Syria, will be suspended cooperation with it immediately."

Russia will continue cooperation with Iran in the field of military technical

Belarus suspected of helping Iran skirt sanctions
September 15, 2011 12:50 PM

UNITED NATIONS: Belarus is the latest country that Western powers suspect of helping Iran skirt U.N. sanctions aimed at preventing it from expanding its ballistic missile and nuclear programs, Western diplomats told Reuters.

If the suspicions are confirmed, the already isolated Belarus would join China, Russia, Syria, North Korea, Turkey and other states Western powers believe have helped Tehran flout U.N. measures since the Security Council adopted its first sanctions resolution against Iran in late 2006.

Belarus helps Iran to By-Pass UN Sanctions, West (report by a Belarussian newspaper)

European Parliament Calls on Assad to Step Down 'Immediately'

Report: The Vatican to Study, Evaluate al-Rahi's Statements

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