
Sep 14 Economy

CBS: SYP/USD Exchange Rate Increases by 0.27 %, Improvement in Euro Trading
تقرير (المركزي) الأسبوعي: الدولار يرتفع أمام الليرة 35 قرشاً واليورو ينخفض 13 قرشاً
Sep 14, 2011

DAMASCUS, (SANA) - The SYP/USD opened the week's trade at 47.69 and closed at 48.04, recording a 0.27 % increase, while the Euro started off the weekly trading at 67.72 and closed at SYP 67.59, with a 0.19 % drop.

(Black market rate is fluctuating somewhere around 52.50.)

Damascus stock price index for this week

12/Sep/2011 925.70 trading volume 61 thousand
13/Sep/2011 915.97 volume 109 thousand
14/Sep/2011 909.16 volume 78 thousand

(In a temporal measure, the market is open for 3 days a week only.)

16/Dec/2010 1752.50 (historial high)
14/Sep/2011 909.16 (historical low)

Weekly closing rates
19/May/2011 1323.11
26/May/2011 1256.80
02/Jun/2011 1234.13
09/Jun/2011 1136.82
16/Jun/2011 1133.09
23/Jun/2011 1057.36
30/Jun/2011 1031.04
07/Jul/2011 1067.50
14/Jul/2011 1032.62
21/Jul/2011 1010.06
28/Jul/2011 1013.81
04/Aug/2011 993.89
11/Aug/2011 950.89
17/Aug/2011 951.66
24/Aug/2011 950.73
29/Aug/2011 951.05
07/Sep/2011 933.34
14/Sep/2011 909.16 (51.8% decrease from historial high)

مناقصة سورية لشراء 100 ألف طن من القمح
Syria tender to buy 100 tons of soft wheat
related article: http://backupurl.com/4m9lqv

انخفاض الصادرات السورية إلى تركيا بنسبة 7% منذ بداية العام 2011
الاربعاء - 14 أيلول - 2011 - 17:21:42
Decline of Syrian exports to Turkey increased by 7% since the beginning of 2011
Wednesday - September 14 - 2011 - 17:21:42

أظهرت إحصائيات التجارة الخارجية بين سورية وتركيا للأشهر السبعة الأولى من العام الجاري تفاوتاً كبيراً لجهة الحركة التجارية بين البلدين على صعيد الواردات والصادرات.

و نقلت مجلة الاقتصادي عن مصدر لها في الملحقية التجارية في السفارة التركية بدمشق قوله " في الوقت الذي انخفضت فيه الصادرات السورية إلى تركيا 7% في سبعة أشهر، ارتفعت الصادرات التركية إلى سورية 1.4% لنفس الفترة من 2011 ".

و بين المصدر أنّ " الصادرات السورية إلى تركيا بلغت 418.2 مليون دولار بين شهري كانون الثاني وتموز 2011 مسجلةً انخفاضاً قدره 7%، في حين بلغت 449.6 مليون دولار لنفس الفترة من العام 2010 ".

وارتفعت الصادرات التركية إلى سورية خلال نفس الفترة من العام الجاري بنسبة 1.4% وبلغت 1.006 مليون دولار، في حين بلغت 992.1 مليون دولار في الفترة نفسها من 2010.

و انخفضت الصادرات السورية إلى تركيا بنسبة 59.3 % ، خلال شهر حزيران الماضي ، و بلغت 48 مليون دولار في حين كانت قيمتها 118 مليون دولار في حزيران 2010 ، أما الصادرات التركية إلى سورية ولنفس الشهر فانخفضت هي الأخرى 18.1% وسجلت 113 مليون دولار، في حين بلغت 138 مليون دولار في حزيران 2010.

اللافت في الأمر أن نسبة التبادل التجاري عادت إلى مستواها الطبيعي وسجلت ارتفاعاً ملحوظاً في تموز الماضي على خلاف أرقام شهر حزيران، إذ ارتفعت الصادرات السورية إلى تركيا بنسبة 106.9% وبلغت74.1 مليون دولار بعد أن كانت 35.8 مليون دولار في تموز 2010، أما الصادرات التركية إلى سورية فسجلت في تموز ارتفاعاً قدره 17% وبلغت 196.4 مليون دولار، بعد أن بلغت 167.8 مليون دولار في تموز 2010.

Showed statistics of foreign trade between Syria and Turkey for the first seven months of this year varied considerably in terms of commercial traffic between the two countries at the level of imports and exports.

And economic magazine quoted a source in the commercial attaché at the Turkish Embassy in Damascus as saying "While the decline in Syrian exports to Turkey 7% in seven months, increased Turkish exports to Syria, 1.4% for the same period of 2011."

Between the source and that "the Syrian exports to Turkey amounted to 418.2 million dollars between January and July 2011 registered a decrease of 7%, while the value of $ 449.6 million for the same period in 2010."

And increased Turkish exports to Syria during the same period of the year by 1.4% and amounted to 1.006 million dollars, while the value of $ 992.1 million in the same period of 2010.

And decreased the Syrian exports to Turkey increased by 59.3% during the month of June, and reached $ 48 million while the value of $ 118 million in June 2010, while Turkish exports to Syria for the same month dropped the other 18.1% and recorded $ 113 million, while amounted to $ 138 million in June 2010.

Striking that the proportion of trade returned to normal and showed a remarkable increase last July, unlike numbers, the month of June, rising Syrian exports to Turkey increased by 106.9% and amounted to $ 74.1 million after the $ 35.8 million in July 2010, while Turkish exports to Syria, was registered in July, a rise of 17% and amounted to $ 196.4 million, after reaching $ 167.8 million in July 2010.

Syria's ports suffer as unrest hits economy
September 14, 2011 05:53 PM
By Suleiman al-Khalidi

AMMAN: From his window on the corniche of Syria's Mediterranean port city of Tartous, an international shipper bemoans the change since a popular uprising six months ago engulfed the country and dealt a heavy blow to its economy.

"At night, ship lights made Tartous extend into a city on the sea; now it's like a small village. The port's sealine was full of vessels – now the berths are nearly empty," said the shipper, who opened an agency in Tartous to cash in on a boom in traffic after the Iraq war wound down.

Street protests demanding the removal of Syria's President Bashar Assad, many of them bloodily suppressed, have shrunk traffic at the country's ports and damaged its hopes of capitalizing on its position as a Middle East crossroads to grab a bigger share of transit business.

The exact extent to Syria's economy is being hurt by the unrest and resulting international sanctions is not clear; official data is scarce. But many analysts expect gross domestic product to decline this year, perhaps by several percent or more. At the start of this year, the International Monetary Fund predicted it would grow 3 percent.

Shippers and businessmen say exports have dropped as foreign customers have cut orders, while Syrian importers have delayed orders because of the uncertainty. Meanwhile, companies which used Syria as a conduit to conduct trade with other countries in the region are seeking different routes. Syria's principal port of Latakia, where the military deployed three months ago, has been hit hard along with Tartous.

"Even the Mediterranean cruise liners that came to Latakia and Tartous, and had hundreds of Italian and Spanish tourists, have not come this year," said the international shipper, who did not want to be named because of the sensitivity of the issue.

Shipping sources say traffic in general cargoes, dry and liquid bulk cargoes, and containers at Latakia and Tartous has been slipping since the uprising broke out in March. They estimate volumes shrank an average 35 to 40 percent from a year earlier in the first eight months of 2011.

"Importers and exporters are being very cautious, and that has led to imports of raw materials falling sharply as production slows down in many industries due to the troubles," a Syrian transportation official, who requested anonymity, told Reuters from Damascus.

Shipping agents and industry experts said container volumes, the vast majority of which are handled by Latakia, dropped in June alone by 36 percent from a year earlier to 33,527 twenty-foot equivalent units (TEU).

Official Latakia port figures for the April-June period show a drop of 16 percent from a year earlier, but industry sources said this data was misleading because it included many containers with empty space.

In Tartous, which handles most of Syria's bulk cargoes, or nearly 9 million tons of annual traffic in normal times, shipping sources said some European operators were avoiding the port after the European Union announced sanctions on Syrian oil exports at the start of September.

They said they were also seeing less business from Iraqi and other Arab traders who were deterred by the increasing checkpoints and roadblocks in many parts of Syria.

"We had 25 to 30 vessels daily arriving. This has dropped to between 10 to five daily," said a major shipping agent based in Tartous, referring to vessels between 8,000 and 35,000 tons.

So far, major regular shipping lines such as Danish firm Maersk, French-based CMA CGM, Geneva-based MSC, and Germany's Hamburg Sud have largely maintained normal vessel calls to Syrian ports despite lower cargo volumes, industry sources said.

Shipping agents say the companies are reluctant to pull out of a transit market that has served the whole region and still has great long-term potential because of its location.

"No major regular shipping lines are quitting at the moment. Once they withdraw from any service, it's very hard to restore," said Talal Halawani, a shipper whose Amman-based Liberty Shipping is an agent of a leading Italian line.

"Although they are suffering because cargo is not like before, they are still operating normally despite all the constraints. It's a wait-and-see attitude."

But other regional companies with no regular services have less ability to sustain losses, and they have omitted port calls or cancelled visits to Syrian ports altogether.

"Liners that made container ship calls four times a month are now calling three times a month. Some regional liners, including one or two Turkish liners, have even dropped port calls altogether," said a second Syrian transportation official.

Some shippers are seeking to offset the drop in their Syrian trade by offering more competitive rates for container slots in nearby Beirut, Mersin and Alexandria ports, which are in the same Europe-Mediterranean service.

The turmoil has prompted many lines to suspend plans, some drawn up only a few months ago, to add more container slots or introduce bigger vessels on Syrian port calls in anticipation of demand related to the reconstruction of Iraq.

Over the past five years, Syrian ports were able to boost their transit trade with Iraq, Jordan and the Arabian peninsula as Syria's red tape and state controls, a legacy of five decades of Soviet-style economic management, were reduced.

Latakia and Tartous were also revitalized by the award of contracts to manage their container terminals to foreign investors in partnership with local investors linked to the Assad family.

The foreign investors – CMA CGM in Latakia, and the Philippines' International Container Terminal Services in Tartous – upgraded the facilities and helped to nearly double the ports' container traffic last year to 620,000 TEU from around 365,000 TEU in 2004.

Nearly 40 percent of Latakia's total incoming cargo volume has been Iraq-bound, shippers and Syrian transportation officials say, while for Tartous the figure has been as high as 70 percent.

Syrian ports' flexibility and lower costs gave them a competitive advantage in Iraq-related business against Turkish and Lebanese ports and and Jordan's Aqaba. Lower land transport costs were also a plus, along with the ability to bypass Suez Canal fees paid by importers using Jordanian and Saudi ports on the Red Sea.

Now, Iraqi, Jordanian and Saudi Arabian importers, who have used Syrian ports in recent years for bulk cargoes of wood, marble, steel and grains from the Black Sea area and North and Central Europe, are looking for alternatives.

"We are getting increasing inquiries from local and Iraqi traders who want to bring their goods to Jordan by sea from Turkey or other markets. This business traditionally would go to Syrian ports. Even goods that would normally go by land via Syria are now being shipped," said Captain Wahid Abu Ajamieh, general manager of CMA CGM Jordan.

"This is an indication that something odd is happening."

Syrian naphtha tender attracts no bids: traders
September 14, 2011 04:00 PM

LONDON: A Syrian tender to sell naphtha has attracted no bids due to EU and U.S. sanctions, traders said on Wednesday, refuting suggestions by some market players that small trading houses might chance a deal.

State-run oil marketer Sytrol issues tenders to sell naphtha and crude oil every month and European oil companies and traders typically win these.

This month Sytrol issued a tender to sell 50,000 tonnes of naphtha for loading on Sept 20 to Sept. 22 from Banias but there was no participants, traders said.

"They received no bids for the tender," one trader said. "No one wants it, not Europe nor Asia. They are starting to feel the sanctions."

Another trader said: "Syria is too politically sensitive for most players. Plus we are finding ship owners unwilling to go there too."

Late last week, Syria also issued a separate tender to sell crude oil for October loading. Several crude oil traders in Europe said they would not participate.

The European Union banned imports of Syria's oil on Saturday to put economic pressure on President Bashar al-Assad, while allowing fuel sales to Syria to continue.

Syrian oil under existing contracts can be still imported to the EU until Nov. 15.

Arab League states on Tuesday called for "immediate change" in Syria and an end to the violence after months of a government crackdown on pro-democracy protesters opposed to al-Assad's rule.

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