
Oct 15 International

EU freezes Syrian bank's assets
2011.10.13 (PDF file on this decision)

The European Union is continuing to put pressure on Syria to end the widespread violations of human rights. On 13 October the Council froze the assets of the Commercial Bank of Syria, a state-owned bank providing financial support for the regime of President Bashar al-Assad which is responsible for the violent repression.

وفدان روسي وهندي يبدأان زيارة إلى سورية للاطلاع على حقيقة الأحداث
Russian and Indian media delegations began their visit to Syria to know the events
October 15, .2011
Damascus, (SANA) -

معارض سوري يدعو إلى طرد السفير الأمريكي في دمشق
Syrian opposition calls for expulsion of U.S. ambassador in Damascus (Communist also called on the nationalization of western oil companies. SSNP rejected any role by the Arab League.)
Saturday - October 15 - 2011 - 13:54:18

Secretary asked the National Committee for the Unity of the Syrian Communist, Qadri Jamil, Syrian authorities to expel the U.S. ambassador in Damascus Robert Ford breached diplomatic norms.

Jamil called on at a press conference in Damascus on Saturday the "nationalization of Western oil companies operating in Syria, and especially America, which benefit greatly from the Syrian oil."

For his part, President of the Syrian Social Nationalist Party (SSNP) Ali Haider called for by the Arab League discussion of the situation in Syria.

"We do not recognize the existence of the Arab League, the decisions of the league do not have any role."

"Haidar" added: "The Arab League is absent from the scene of Arab crises and all its ink on paper has not done any real project, and did not have any role in the crisis, Iraq, Libya and Sudan, to a meeting tomorrow, do not care about anything, because the Arab League know who led the Saudi and Qatar and these have to arrange their affairs before the Interior to intervene in the affairs of others. "

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